Outpatient minibuses for ukrainian children infected with AIDS.
NGO partner
Olena Pinchuk Foundation & German AIDS Foundation
Aim of the project
Urgent modernization of minibuses with the help of donations
Role of #WAAU
Mediator donor and NGO, donation processing
Donation volume
Timing of implementation
October 2022
Via PayPal
Donation account

#WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbH

IBAN: DE41 2005 0550 1503574566

For transfers of 300 Euros or more, donors will receive a donation receipt (please be sure to include the postal address when making the transfer).

Do you have questions about this project?

Please write to us. We will answer your e-mail as soon as possible.

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#WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbH

Winterstrasse 2 22765 Hamburg | Deutschland

IBAN: DE41 2005 0550 1503574566

Für Überweisungen ab einer Höhe von 300 Euro erhalten Spender:innen eine Spendenbescheinigung (bei der Überweisung bitte unbedingt die Postadresse angeben).

Donation account

#WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbH

Winterstrasse 2 22765 Hamburg | Deutschland

IBAN: DE41 2005 0550 1503574566

For transfers of 300 Euros or more, donors will receive a donation receipt (please be sure to include the postal address when making the transfer).

Donation account

#WeAreAllUkrainians gGmbH

Winter street 2 22765 Hamburg | Germany

IBAN: DE41 2005 0550 1503574566

For transfers of 300 Euros or more, donors will receive a donation receipt (please be sure to include the postal address when making the transfer).